Here is a simple recipe which can be expanded on ad infinitum by perfuming it as you wish with a few drops of essential oil. Choose lavender (antiseptic and antibacterial), lemon (anti-septic), tea tree oil (anti-septic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasite), or geranium (anti-fungal, equilibrant of sebum secretion), which has a flavor similar to that of the rose.
Ingredients :
- Two liters of fresh spring water
- One tablespoon of natural glycerin (can be found in a pharmacy)
- Four tablespoons of natural soup grated.
- A few drops of lavender, lemon, teat tree or geranium essential oil.
Heat the combined ingredients in a pot over a light flame, and stir them with a spatula.
Take the pot off the stove and let it cool.
Add three drops of essential oil.
Store, ideally in a glass bottle with a cork stopper.
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